Ready to step out of striving and into your flow?

Floating coaching

Flourish in harmony with your natural cycles and stop paddling upstream.

Floating Coaching 

Aboard Maria. B Widebeam Canal Boat in Ely Cambridgshire, UK

When we resist the natural rhythms of life, either consciously or subconsciously, we create dis-ease and disharmony on all levels of our being – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Our creativity, energy and purpose feel depleted and dulled.

You are a cyclical being with a built-in blueprint for creativity.

Working with your own unique cyclical nature is the secret to unlocking your superpowers of productivity, creativity, and renewable energy, without burning out.

Pootling sessions ely

Discover the Power of your cyclical nature 

Imagine living in tune with your rhythms, the seasons, and the inherent aliveness of your creative projects. This is cyclical living. I will invite you to look at life through the lens of the four seasons so you can reconnect to the limitless reservoir of well-being inside you, and find your flow again.

When you live cyclically, you:

  • Apply the four seasons to your month Work with your peak energy for creative projects and business meetings.
  • Befriend your relationship with rest and rebuild your relationship with reflection by letting go of busy and creating sustainability in your days.
  • Restore rest as a practice of self-care build in a wintering policy to your month to replenish your energy and renew your creativity.
  • Tune into your intuitive voice Learn to trust your decisions and lead from a place of integrity and authenticity.

A Woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing.
She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her
destination prepared to be herself and only herself.

― Maya Angelou

This is for you if:

  • You are a creative, rushing woman who wants to restore balance with your life or business, and reconnect back to the heart of who you are.
  • You want to develop a freeing strategy that reconnects you back you your cycles of creativity that enables you to take your next steps with a sense of rhythm, purpose, and flow.
  • You are ready to step out of the vicious cycle of overdoing, over-creating and over-commiting.
  • You feel excited about applying a nourishing rhythm to your life that not just benefits you, but everyone around you.
  • You want an experience as well as a coaching session and love to be on or near the water. This is where you feel most at home and connected to yourself


She's taught me how to build a fishing rod, and how to fish

Stephanie has taught me how to live my life on MY terms, to look inward, see myself for the first time, and embrace myself with all my faults. She has taught me how to build a fishing rod, and how to fish. Stephanie is warm, compassionate, intelligent, highly trained in several disciplines, funny, caring and most of all makes you feel good about yourself and trust her, which is a gift in itself


she has enabled me to achieve some impossible dreams

I feel beyond fortunate to have benefitted from Stephanies incredible skills this last year. In truth words here fall short of my full gratitude. She has opened up my eyes, helped me to stay on the path, fuller and richer, in every sense than I ever thought possible – and enabled me without question to achieve some impossible dreams, reacquainting myself with my voice, passion and purpose.


Stephanie skillful approach helped me to hush my inner critic

Throughout the programme, Stephanies skillful approach helped me to find a kinder, more supportive voice in myself and hush my inner critic. I feel inspired, and motivated and trust myself to move forward. I have found the courage & confidence that I can achieve my goals and know I am allowed and deserving of them.



The coaching and retreat days I’ve experienced so far have been a hugely important part of my growth. I honestly feel like a different person from when I started, and other people see it too. I’ve gained so much confidence and clarity around the kind of purpose and meaning I would like to bring to my life.


Steph has helped me to gain deeper insight into myself

Steph brings an incredibly soothing, nurturing and encouraging energy to the sessions, in an incredibly empathic way and is completely authentic in everything she does .

Steph has been key in helping me through some very difficult times and in enabling me to understand what I want and need, as well as to gain a far deeper insight into myself and to listen to my instincts.


I am encouraged to tap into my own intuition

Steph is holistic in her approach: This is the number ONE for me.

I absolutely love working with her. I initially came for what I thought was simple “career advice” as I work in a large tech corporate and was struggling to find a balance as a new mum. I am encouraged to tap into my own intuition and then we develop longer term, action oriented solutions together.


Floating Coaching

Press pause from rushing and reset your life to a sustainable rhythm aboard Maria. B Widebeam canal boat,in Isleham Cambridgeshire.

These coaching sessions are available Tuesday-Friday 10am- 5pm, and Saturdays 10am -4pm


This package includes:

  • 6 months personalised coaching
  • Customised tools and exercises
  • Ongoing support between sessions


£600-6 x 60 minute sessions

This package includes:

  • Life Audit
  • Personalised Well Being Plan
  • Plant based lunch


£295-3.5 hours

This package includes:

  • Coaching and meditation session
  • Cruise on the river
  • Plant based lunch


£595-6 hours

Steph on Maria B widebeam boat

About Steph

Coach, Teacher & Creativity Guide

Steph on Maria B widebeam boat

Living aboard my widebeam boat Maria B, I have made bold choices to break free from the social norms of striving and productivity to turn my one adventure with the universe into a lifestyle I love using my intuition, imagination and creativity. I have followed my intuition to create businesses that have nourished others whilst bringing my life balance, harmony and freedom.

I show women how to live in harmony with their inner and outer cycles, supporting women to find their voice, and connect them to their ideas and creativity. I see myself as a lighthouse, shining a light so women can navigate their way back home to themselves.


Where are you moored?

The floating coaching sessions are held on Isleham Marina in Isleham Cambridgeshire. The pootling sessions are in Ely and you will find Maria B moored at Waterside opposite the main marina in Ely. The boat is black and cream and clearly marked. The day before our session I will message you with more exact details.

Where can I park?

There is a private car park a few minutes walk from the boat in Isleham. The nearest parking to the boat in Ely is in Ship lane in Ely just a minute’s walk from the waterside. All parking is free in Ely.

Is there somewhere nearby to stay?

I recommend staying at the lovely Peacocks Tearooms, or the riverside Inn which are both located by the Waterside.

I have special dietary requirements…

All food is plantbased, local and organic where possible. If you are choosing to stay for lunch please let me know in advance if there is anything you can’t eat.

What should I bring?

A journal and pen, plus your open heart and mind.

Let's Chat

Book a coffee chat. This conversation will give you a nourishing reconnection with the heart of who you are, whilst giving an opportunity to ensure that we have rapport and can work well together so you can achieve the life you are looking for.

There are no obligations at all at this point, no pushy sales talk, and I will be honest with you if I feel I am not the coach for you. Coaching is a personal journey and we have to be the right fit for you to get the most out of our sessions together.



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Featherlight Living is proud to be embedding restoration into the business by planting 50-80 trees with profits from every workshop and retreat.


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