Ready to step out of striving and into your flow?

Featherlight Living Is The Way Back To Freedom

Hi, I'm Steph

If you would like to have more space and time so you can live a life of creativity, meaning, and purpose, welcome home.

I specialise in feminine forward, earth-based, spirit-led leadership working with creative women who believe in the power of the feminine cycles and want to work and live with a rhythm that has balance, harmony, and space for creative self-expression.

Coach And Intuitive Entrepreneur

Born with the moon in Leo and the sun in Cancer, I hail from a long line of stoical Scottish women. It is my passion to inspire deeper conversations with the earth, ourselves, and each other. I listen deeply and show women how to draw on their values, connecting them to their ideas and creativity so that they can step away from the frenzy of modern life, return home themselves, and create a life of balance and harmony that has rhythm and flow.

I live on a wide beam canal boat in Cambridgeshire UK and have made bold choices to break free from the social norms of striving and productivity to turn my one adventure with the universe into a lifestyle I love using my intuition, imagination and creativity.

Where Creativity And Intuition Meet

Moon River Wide Beam Boat

I am a gardener of growth and transformation through the feminine cycles. I have followed my intuition to create businesses in the UK and Bali that have nourished others whilst bringing my life balance, harmony and freedom.

I created Featherlight Living through a desire to show women the emotional freedom in trusting their intuition and discovering their compassionate voice so they can create a lifestyle that gives them meaning and joy.

My work is about reconnecting women to their vulnerability and strengths. Through coaching, workshops, and retreats I create a space for women to come together in an environment of healing, nourishment, and growth.

Work With me

If you feel ready to live in alignment with the feminine cycles and bring more space, time, and creativity into your life, then there are a number of ways we can work together.

Through bespoke one to one work aboard my widebeam canal boat, group classes, or my online community NEST, we will work together to tap into your creative nature and bring balance, freedom and a cyclical rhythm to your life.

I host regular immersive, seasonal residential retreats, together with bespoke restful river retreat days for you to dive into a deeper space of inquiry and growth, held in Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire, UK.

Click below to find out more.


  • 6 months personalised coaching
  • Customised tools and exercises
  • Ongoing support between sessions


  • Retreat Days
  • Workshops
  • Meditations


  • 1:1 Sessions
  • Seasonal Retreats
  • Yoga Nidra Monthly Classes


Stephanie has taught me how to live my life on MY terms, to look inward, see myself for the first time, and embrace myself with all my faults. She’s taught me how to build a fishing rod, and how to fish Stephanie is warm, compassionate, intelligent, highly trained in several disciplines, funny, caring and most of all makes you feel good about yourself and trust her, which is a gift in itself.


Nest is wonderfully supportive. It provides me with a framework for cyclical living, a regular opportunity to connect with both myself and other women, with the benefit of listening to some other amazing women sharing their knowledge.


Steph is an incredible teacher. She has opened up my eyes and helped me to stay on the path – fuller and richer – in every sense than I ever thought possible. Steph will be with you every step of the way. Take a step to freedom and growth if you can.


My favourite bit about working Steph is her genuine warmth and gentle humour – she helps me to reconnect with the lighter, joyful part of myself. It’s a pleasure to spend time in sessions with Steph and I come away feeling safer, more grounded and much lighter!


My Experience And Training

I offer you over 15 years of experience in therapies and practices that specifically nourish and heal with more than 2000 hours of formal training in western and non-western healing modalities. I am an intuitive coach and menstruality mentor, specialising in showing women how to live in a cyclical rhythm, so they can live a life on purpose, with freedom and authenticity.

I draw on my wide ranging experience of running my own successful businesses in Bali and the UK and have benefited from the support and guidance from superb teachers who have helped me find my way.

I am a life long student and my qualifications are a testament to my commitment to personal and professional growth. I am a Menstruality Mentor and a proud graduate of Red School. I also hold a prestigious Barefoot Postgraduate Certificate in Business & Personal Coaching. Recognised by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as an Associate Certified Coach, I am also a member of the Yoga Nidra Network.

I have trained under some of the most respected names in the field, including: Uma Dinsmore Tuli, Alexandra Pope, Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer, Tara Brach and Judith Hanson Lasater 

My qualifications include: Well Woman Yoga Therapy, Menstruality Mentor, Post Graduate Certificate business and Personal Coaching, Yoga Nidra, Trauma-Informed Yoga and Movement, Restorative Yoga.



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Restoring Our Planet

Featherlight Living is proud to be embedding restoration into the business by planting 50-80 trees with profits from every workshop and retreat.


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